Wound Care: Signs, Types and When to Seek Treatment

First, let’s define a wound – it is basically the injury of the skin; whether it is cut, torn, punctured or wherein a force creates a contusion on the skin. It is any kind of damage to the skin.

You can get it from falls, sharp objects, or accidents. Treatment varies depending on what type of wound you have. And if you need any medicine for wound care treatment, you can come to one of the top pharmaceutical companies, us, Julphar. We give the highest quality of medicines for wound care and biotechnology, women care, adult primary care, pediatric primary care, and for cardiopulmonary disease. We are one of the best in pharmaceutical manufacturing, and our faithful clients are the proofs of how well we do our jobs.

Regarding wound care treatment, let’s discuss its types and treatment:

Signs of Wound:

If you can feel pain, swelling, or bleeding on the skin.
Lacerations don’t hurt much, but abrasions of fingertips are painful
Lacerations may sometimes bleed too much ( eg. scalp and face )

Types of Wound:

This is the initial response of our skin from an injury.

Superficial wounds and abrasions
These wounds are caused by friction or rubbing of the skin against an abrasive surface.

Deep Abrasions
Often called as cuts – it goes through all the layers of your skin up to the tissue or bone.

Puncture Wound
Often caused by sharp objects that enter the skin.
( eg. needle, nail, stab )

Human and Animal Bites
These can be classified as a puncture wound, abrasion or both.

Pressure Sores
Often called as bed sores, these happen when there is no sufficient blood supply on the skin because of chronic pressure. People with diabetes and malnutrition are prone to these.

When to Seek Medical Treatment:

If it is deeper than ½ inch
If the bleeding doesn’t stop with pressure
If the bleeding goes on for more than 20mins
If it is caused by a trauma or force
If the wound requires stitching
If the wound is caused by animal bites
If the wound is dirty and can’t be cleaned easily
If there are pus, redness, swelling, and increased pain in the wound
If the patient is not immunized by tetanus immunization

To know more about wound care treatment, visit our website http://www.julphar.net/julphar-gulf-pharmaceutical-industries and find the best medicines and products that are best used to heal wounds.




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